

Check that your personal details are up to date, including your email address.

You can check and update your email or contact details online in the My Details section.

If you've had any changes to trustees, companies or directors, please email us as it's important your details match ATO records to avoid any processing delays.

Our email address is

If you are claiming a deduction for fees, this will be reported in the deductions section of your tax statement.

This depends on your personal situation. You should consult a registered tax advisor for assistance.

We are unable to help you complete your tax return or provide taxation advice.

You should consult a registered tax advisor for assistance.

If you feel there is an error with your tax statement, please email with the issue so we can investigate.

InvestSMART PMA Tax statements are generally available mid-September.

How to view

Check your email or access your previous and current InvestSMART PMA tax statement(s) from the online platform.

Navigate to the Dashboard > More > Tax Statements. 

To set up a third party authority request for your accountant, advisor or auditor, we require you to fill out the following form and email to

Third party authority form 

Please note, we are unable to provide full-access to a third party to make allocation changes, withdrawals and other portfolio actions. This does not apply to power of attorneys.

We sometimes get asked, "Why does portfolio performance differ from the model performance?"

Your account is designed to track the InvestSMART model portfolios you have chosen to invest in. We operate model portfolios with specific percentages assigned to the holdings and invest in the same holdings for your account to mirror the model. When the model holdings change so to will your account holdings.

Here are some common reasons why your investment return may differ from the model portfolio you are tracking:

Income sweep: If you have the Income Sweep turned on you are having the dividends paid out to you, therefore removing that cash from your portfolio. This may make it seem like your returns are lower than they are.

Your inception date: Our published model performance figures are based on month end values. For example, model performance may be +5% from 30 November to 31 December. If you established your portfolio on the 5th November and attempted to compare performance, your return may look quite different.

Adjusting/changing investment models: If you adjust your model weights during the performance reporting period, your returns may differ to our published performance. By adjusting models during the period, it becomes more difficult to obtain a like for like comparison against model performance returns.

Adding or withdrawing funds: Adding or withdrawing funds will see InvestSMART needing to buy or sell securities/shares in your account during the month. This will see you purchase or sell securities/shares at a price that may differ from the end of month price.

Size of portfolio balance: Our models operate off percentages. The larger the size of the portfolio the easier it is to match those percentages. Some accounts holdings may vary to model security weights as the high dollar value of a security (E.g., $100-600 depending on the ETF) means we can’t buy as many as is required to get close to the model weight. These residual amounts are therefore held as cash which has the effect of dampening returns when securities are going up. Of course, where securities fall, this has the effect of improving returns relative to model.


Actual Weight



Price per unit

Model Weight

$1m Portfolio

$100K Portfolio

$10K Portfolio
























































Brokerage: The investment models do not factor in brokerage. If you add funds, withdraw funds, or change investment model’s transactions occur and so do brokerage costs.

Your InvestSMART PMA will hold several different ETFs depending on the portfolio(s) you've invested in.

Each ETF provider will automatically send your tax data to the ATO for pre-filling in your myTax online portal.

This data is usually available fairly soon however you need to wait for the Tax Statement/Combined Report from InvestSMART as this will include consolidated information and amounts you may be able to claim for fees charged.

You can generate a Cash Transactions Report and other reports online in PDF or CSV format.

Log in and go to Reports.

You can generate the following:

  • Investment Portfolio Report: Provides a valuation of the portfolio as of 30 June for the financial year chosen

  • Cash Transactions Report: A cash transaction statement for the date range selected

  • Investment Income Report: Shows dividends received and franking information

  • Realised Capital Gains Report: Shows capital gains/losses that have occurred

  • Unrealised Capital Gains Report: Shows capital gains/losses that have not yet occurred or been realised.

To simplify your account, you can provide your accountant or adviser access to your account information via a Third Party Authority Request. 

If you have a PMA opened in the name of a company, you will receive a PMA annual statement but no tax summary.

Tax summaries are not included in statements issued to companies.

Companies can use the following reports included in the package to complete their annual accounts, and therefore their tax returns:

  • Investment Income Detailed Report
    • this report provides the breakdown of any dividends received during the year
  • Distribution Reconciliation Report 
    • this report provides the breakdown of any distributions received during the year
    • Realised Capital Gains 
    • provides details of any capital gains during the year, and the split between discount and other gains

If you have a Company that is a Not for Profit or registered as a charity, you can email and we can provide you with more tax information to meet your requirements.

Some Self Managed Super Fund auditors may request to see audit reports concerning internal controls and investor statements for Professionally Managed Accounts (PMA). 

As the PMA is a scheme, we do not produce a client-specific audit report. However, we do have audit reports in the Professionally Managed Accounts Annual Report. 

These can be accessed through our website here in the bottom section. 

The PMA Annual Report has audit letters from our auditor BDO in that document.  This satisfies the majority of auditor's needs.


If you don't have an InvestSMART PMA but hold an Intelligent Investor fund like INIF, INES, or IIGF, please visit their Tax Hub on their Help Centre.

This guide provides a general reference for the Tax Summary report to the ATO tax return labels for individuals, trusts, self-managed super funds and companies.

Please note this guide provides general information only and is not intended to represent taxation, investment or professional advice. Should you require additional assistance, consult a registered tax advisor.

Download the InvestSMART Tax Guide 2024. 

The FY25 guide will be uploaded when the tax statements are released in early September. 


Looking to set up data feeds access for your accountant or advisor? 

Please fill out the third party authority form for data feeds access and email to

We have dedicated feeds for Xplan, Class, Praemium, IDS super, BGS, BGL and Complii - however this list is constantly evolving so feel free to reach out if you use a different platform and we can investigate further. 

Related topics

You can view and manage your InvestSMART PMA online. 

If you are already invested, visit the Dashboard section of the website to view: 

  • Investment Summary
  • Current Holdings
  • Goal tracker
  • Transactions
  • Dividends & Interest
  • Deposits & Withdrawals
  • InvestSMART Fees 
  • Allocation Preferences
  • Investment Preferences

Your portfolio data is updated daily. Please note, you will always see the previous days closing values.

You can switch between Model Portfolios or alter the combination of Model Portfolios on which your portfolio is constructed at any time. Your instruction will generally be acted upon during the next rebalancing date after receiving your request online.

You can submit this request by taking the following steps from the Investment Dashboard:

  • Select More on the left sidebar
  • Click Modify Allocation
  • Provide New Allocation Breakdown by Percentage (%) or Dollar value($) and then select Next
  • Select Verification and use preferred option - Email or SMS
  • Complete Verification

If your request requires additional funds to be transferred then the details will be shown in accordance with what you need to contribute along with the BPAY details unique to your investment account.

If you require assistance, please contact our friendly team via the chat function in the bottom right corner.

We are commonly asked by new clients browsing their holdings in the Portfolio Manager why they have physical cash sitting in their investment portfolio. Surely it should be invested in more shares? 

There are four reasons why this may be occurring: 

Cash Component

As referenced in our Product Disclosure Statement, every Professionally Managed Account (PMA) will hold, at the very least, 1% of the total account value in a cash component at all times.

InvestSMART draws upon this cash component to cover management fees and brokerage costs (if required), removing the need to unnecessarily sell down investments to cover the aforementioned expenses, which would be counterproductive to the progress of your investment. 

Portfolio Manager Discretion

At any point in time, the Portfolio Manager of any Model Portfolio has the discretion to adjust the holdings and weightings held, including physical cash. While this is more likely to impact active stock-picking portfolios rather than our capped-fee investment portfolios, it's not unusual to see 5% physical cash held by some models. 

Balanced Portfolio Allocation shown

Contributions or Income 

Over time your investments will pay dividends or distributions with the proceeds deposited into your cash component, and dependent on your income setting, it will either be accumulated and paid to your nominated bank account or held for reinvestment at the next rebalance. 

Contributions are also held similarly. They will be initially deposited into the cash component until there are enough available funds to trigger a rebalance of your holdings. 

The myth of "Full Investment"

Lastly, there is a common-sense reason why there might be a little more physical cash in your account. We aren't able to necessarily deploy every cent we'd like to due to the fluctuations in the price of underlying holdings on any one day, i.e. if we want to purchase $500 of ABC to rebalance your portfolio but only have $100 available, then we will have to hold fast for the time being. 


This is a Professionally Managed Account (PMA), meaning that we manage this for you. Any trading, readjusting, rebalancing is done automatically by InvestSMART.

If you have any further questions or want clarification on the above topics, then please feel free to email us at 

No, you can only hold InvestSMART portfolios or Intelligent Investor ETFs.