How Paul Clitheroe is Investing for His Grandchildren's Future
Paul Clitheroe's grandchildren are one, two and three years old, but as Paul knows, it's never too early to start investing for their future - whatever it holds.
The six habits of highly effective investors
To be successful in investing, it's important to have in your toolkit a good set of investing habits. Here are six must-have habits that will make you a better investor.
Is it Investing, or is it Speculating?
The line that separates investing and speculating can sometimes appear blurred, but the reality is they're both very different. We take a look.
How saving helps us reach our financial goals
Having financial goals is an important step to achieving long-term wealth. We look at how to set up these goals, and why saving can help us achieve them.
How duration risk sunk Silicon Valley Bank
Why SVB collapsed and the lessons investors can take from it
Are recessions a good time to invest?
While economists debate over whether Australia will slip into recession, we take a look at how past recessions have played out for stock markets.
Five ways to deal with Market Volatility
A volatile share market can be unsettling, but it doesn't have to be. We show some simple strategies that can help investors ride out any volatility storm.
A money lesson I learnt in Prague
With the cost of living rising, many people's budgets are feeling the squeeze. Here's one approach that may be able to help.
The most important investing decision you will ever make
Your career, asset classes, stock picks. Can you guess the decision that trumps them all?
8 out of 10 Australians make their own financial choices
Research by Finder shows just 16% of Australians use a financial adviser or planner. That leaves 16.8 million people, or 84% of the adult population, making their own financial decisions.
How ETFs can help you manage risk
The share market is a great way to build long-term wealth, but it also comes with the risk of losing money. We look at how ETFs can be used to help minimise this risk.
Investing when you don't know what your goal is
For some of us, investing is a means to a clear end. For others, the end game can be a little fuzzy. But the basics of how to invest are still much the same.
Why the dead outperform the living
When it comes to investing, never mistake activity for achievement.
Five ways to boost your investment confidence
Self-confidence has many benefits. It helps us make decisions, it builds resilience, and helps us to move forward. We look at how to build investment confidence.
How long will it take to double your money?
The Rule of 72 is a handy tool that allows us to do quick compounding calculations. We show you what it is, and why it's useful for investors.